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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including the closely related terms pathways, pathway, and pathways.

1 result

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… efficiency retrofits and low carbon heat - possible pathways to EPC B - example feasibility studies - potential financing models - signposting the likely impact and suitability of different technologies and intervention local sources of knowledge and suppliers. 2022 Green economy O2.2 Continue to enforce minimum energy efficiency standards in line with regulations Ongoing 6 O2.3…

… and diseases - Food security and trade Explore the need to commission an adaptive pathways study for the borough. 2022 - A1.3 Ensure effective, climate-adapted design standards are implemented in new developments through planning, to reduce the risk and impacts of excess heat, flooding, and water shortage. 2026 Fuel Poverty; Health & Wellbeing; Biodiversity; Public realm…


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