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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including 6 closely related terms such as reduction pathway, reduction pathways, and pathways.

1 result

Wiltshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… commissioned a roadmap which will model a number of emissions reduction pathways, setting out what needs to happen to get to carbon neutrality. These illustrative pathways will set out the amount of each technology required and an estimation of how much carbon would be saved by each measure where these are quantifiable. We will use our monitoring and reporting framework to help understand…

… challenge and significantly more challenging than government’s previous target to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050. Achieving net zero means all parts of the economy, including those that are harder to decarbonise, need to reduce emissions substantially. In some sectors, there are well-understood pathways to net zero but there is uncertainty in other sectors over how to reduce emissions…


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