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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including 7 closely related terms such as reduction pathways, reduction pathway, and pathway.

1 result

Herefordshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the council switched its electricity supply to 100% renewable energy. We are exploring options for renewable gas as part of this plan. c) The council will work with strategic partners, residents and local organisations to develop a revised countywide CO2 reduction strategy aspiring for carbon neutrality by 2030. The Council will be developing a citizen’s panel and countywide action group in 2020/21…

… and the energy from waste plant. These activities will form part of the countywide carbon reduction strategy. 9 Current CO2 emissions Our latest carbon footprint assessment (2018/19) We have been measuring our carbon footprint since 2008/09 (baseline year). The table and graph…

… © Will Mears “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Stephen Hawking 21 Appendix How we calculate reductions and confidence The graph below shows three emission reduction pathways and the estimated percentage reduction from our baseline emissions. The 75% reduction on 2008/09 levels is the target for 2025/26…

… Herefordshire Council Carbon Management Plan 1 Pathway to Carbon Neutral Carbon Management Plan 2020/21-2025/26 Herefordshire Council - heading for carbon neutral by 2030 © NASA 2 Contents Foreword 3 Executive summary 4 Introduction 5 Declaring a Climate Emergency 6 Our Carbon Footprint 7…

… for attaining the challenging goals set out in this document. This document has been designed to set Herefordshire Council on a pathway towards carbon neutrality. The associated action plan shows in more detail how we plan to move towards achieving our 2030/31 goal of becoming carbon neutral by aiming for a 75% reduction by 2025/26. Achieving early gains in reducing our emissions are key success…


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