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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including the closely related term pathway.

1 result

East Devon District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – unites the world to continue global efforts to deal with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation and adaptation to the changing climate. As of February 2018, 197 parties have signed the agreement and the great majority have ratified it. The Agreement expects each country to plan its own ambitious emissions reduction activity

… no trend is identifiable. Relative sea level (sea level taking into account changes in land height due to post-glacial rebound) in the South West has risen by approximately 250mm since 1916. The 2009 UK Climate Projections (UKCP09) provide likely projections of climate change for the UK, UKCP09 gives projections for a number of scenarios, each of which suggest a different pathway of economic…


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