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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including 4 closely related terms such as reduction pathway, pathways, and pathway.

1 result

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… zero carbon no later than 2040. This report provides an indicative CO2 reduction pathway that stays within the recommended maximum carbon budget of 24.0 MtCO2. At 2040, 5 per cent of the budget remains. This represents very low levels of residual CO2 emissions by this time, or the Authority may opt to forgo these residual emissions and cut emissions to zero at this point. Earlier years…

…, Figure 2: This graph covers the Cheshire West and Chester Carbon Budget and Pathways for the district wide energy system. It details that as of 2017 Cheshire West and Chester’s emissions stood at around 4 million tons per year. It describes three pathways, the first is SCATTER level 1, which assumes the current level of intervention. This achieves a 39 per cent reduction in CO2 against 2017 levels…

… by 2030. The second is SCATTER level 2, which is the highest level of intervention possible, which would achieve a 68 per cent reduction by 2030. The third is the Tyndall Paris aligned carbon budget, which required a 92 per cent reduction against 2017 levels by 2030. The Tyndall and SCATTER level 4 pathways intersect by 2050. 11 2.3 A co-produced plan The scale of this challenge means…


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