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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including 10 closely related terms such as reduction pathway, reduction pathways, and pathway.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… grade achieved Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q2 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 33. Complete annual reporting on Council’s carbon emissions Annual carbon emissions reported Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q3 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 34. Develop emissions pathway reduction analysis for Council emissions which will plot out reductions in carbon emissions…

Pathway reduction analysis produced Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q3 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 35. Work with London Councils on developing Council Scope 3 emissions measurement Emissions guidelines and tools available Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q2 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 36. Develop guidance for operational teams to support assessment…

… of emissions reductions for projects Guidance produced Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q1 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 37. Work with London Councils on developing borough-wide emissions measurement and reduction pathways Emissions methodology and reporting agreed Low Enabling Innovation and Funding Q4 2020/21 Assistant Chief Executive 38. Continue to review the approach used…

… Roll out low emission fleet vehicles Compliance with the LEZ and ULEZ for Council vehicles, with zero emission vehicles the default option. Reduced Scope 1 carbon emissions from vehicles. High Medium Improved Air Quality Q3 2021/22 Highways Operations and Streetscene 2. Develop a plan for all Council vehicles to be zero emission by 2030 Plan developed. Pathway for reduced Scope 1…

… a long-term decarbonisation plan for all Council buildings to reduce energy use and bring them to as close to zero emission as possible Plan developed. Pathway for reduced Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions from buildings. High High Innovation and Funding Q1 2021/22 Property Services 5. Develop heat decarbonisation plan. Take forward decarbonisation strategy with heat plan developed…


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