Including 10 closely related terms such as reduction pathway, reduction pathways, and pathway.
… grade achieved Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q2 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 33. Complete annual reporting on Council’s carbon emissions Annual carbon emissions reported Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q3 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 34. Develop emissions pathway reduction analysis for Council emissions which will plot out reductions in carbon emissions…
… Pathway reduction analysis produced Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q3 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 35. Work with London Councils on developing Council Scope 3 emissions measurement Emissions guidelines and tools available Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q2 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 36. Develop guidance for operational teams to support assessment…
… of emissions reductions for projects Guidance produced Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q1 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 37. Work with London Councils on developing borough-wide emissions measurement and reduction pathways Emissions methodology and reporting agreed Low Enabling Innovation and Funding Q4 2020/21 Assistant Chief Executive 38. Continue to review the approach used…
… Roll out low emission fleet vehicles Compliance with the LEZ and ULEZ for Council vehicles, with zero emission vehicles the default option. Reduced Scope 1 carbon emissions from vehicles. High Medium Improved Air Quality Q3 2021/22 Highways Operations and Streetscene 2. Develop a plan for all Council vehicles to be zero emission by 2030 Plan developed. Pathway for reduced Scope 1…
… a long-term decarbonisation plan for all Council buildings to reduce energy use and bring them to as close to zero emission as possible Plan developed. Pathway for reduced Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions from buildings. High High Innovation and Funding Q1 2021/22 Property Services 5. Develop heat decarbonisation plan. Take forward decarbonisation strategy with heat plan developed…