Including the closely related term transport.
… into travel plan refresh in 2024/25 and education campaign and also influence hybrid working activity. Within proposed climate change budget Fleet T.08 Decarbonised transport (2050) Parking Strategy Implement a new parking strategy to ensure that council car parks are correctly specified for expected transport modal shifts and changes in temperature / rainfall, and that opportunities…
… for renewable energy generation are explored. Maximises opportunities for lower carbon travel, changing behaviours and climate adaptation through car park amenities. Within existing resource Commercial buildings T.09 Decarbonised transport (2050) Charge points strategy Engage with a wider piece of work being undertaken by the county council, to assess the need and capacity for electric…
… vehicle charging points to be installed at sites within the borough. Within existing resource N/A T.10 Decarbonised transport (2050) Sustainable Travel Analysis Conduct further research work to assess the future need for sustainable travel within the borough, and possible future projects to facilitate uptake. Within existing resource 11 Theme 3: Greenspace, land use…