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Search results for "public transport"

Including 8 closely related terms such as transport people, road transport, and road transport.

1 result

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of water and transport people and merchandise. Greenhouse gases are also released from ploughing the soil, from deforestation, waste disposal sites and belching livestock. From production to consumption, food is responsible for 30% of global emissions and has many negative environmental impacts, such as dependence on fossil fuels, loss of biodiversity and depletion of natural resources. The UK…

… have fallen as a result of the changes in how electricity is generated and because electrical equipment, homes and cars have become more energy efficient. In 2017, 624,000 tonnes of CO2 were emitted Blackburn with Darwen homes, road transport and industry and commerce. 2 NASA The Causes of Climate Change 3 Department for Business, Energy & industrial Strategy…

… efficient and that protect those who are most vulnerable to climate impacts; • Estate manager – ensuring that our own buildings and operations are energy efficient The Council’s Corporate Plan requires all departments to take active steps to reduce our carbon footprint and create a safe and clean environment. Strategic plans, particularly its land use and transport plans, contain policies…

… and Darwen to help the transition to electric vehicles. A range of multi-modal transport schemes, funded by the Council’s Local Transport Plan to improve rail (Blackburn to Manchester rail services), bus (Pennine Reach), walking and cycling infrastructure and services (Weavers Wheel) have been progressed. The Council is delivering the Connecting East Lancashire project to promote and encourage…

sustainable transport choices. CLIMATE EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN | 10 WHAT THE COUNCIL IS ALREADY DOING Insulation, first time central heating and new boilers have been installed in the homes of some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents, providing…


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