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Including 7 closely related terms such as transport infrastructure, transport infrastructure, and transport services.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… to protect and improve public transport services for the borough. A key element of the delivery of sustainable transport initiatives has been the Transport Strategy Programme Co-ordinator, who leads co-ordination of the sustainable transport work programme, whilst also assisting with delivery of sustainable travel initiatives. Funding was approved in 2021 for 2 years for this role, and funding…

… in Appendix C. This sense of urgency will be maintained into 2023 as set out throughout this report and in more detail in in Appendix A. To measure the impact of actions the Climate Change Action Plan now includes SMART KPIs to enable better monitoring of impacts. Key actions planned for 2023 include further delivery of the Decarbonisation Strategy, installation of more transport infrastructure

…. More bikehangars will be installed, with the long term aim of 1390 spaces by 2030, and a fifth of spaces in council estates. School streets will continue to be rolled out, so Wandsworth is on target to have 50% of its primary schools with school streets by 2030. Cycle training and engagement on sustainable transport will continue, alongside the roll out of e-bike hire and new ecargo bike…

… availability. 27. More on street EV chargepoints will be delivered, maintaining momentum towards having 2000 additional chargepoints across the borough by 2030, taking the total to nearly 3000. 28. Transport infrastructure will continue to be improved to support sustainable travel including new and improved cycle lanes and facilities for pedestrian, while the Council will continue to lobby…

… Certificate EV - Electric vehicle LASER - Public sector energy procurement and energy management service providers LED - Light emitting diode LGA - Local Government Association OSC - Overview and Scrutiny Committee PV - Solar Photo Voltaic energy generation TfL - Transport for London WESS - Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy Recommendations 1. The Environment Committee…


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