Including the closely related terms public transport, and transport.
… strategy, alongside key regeneration schemes that focus on brownfield sites and reduce reliance on remote out-of-town locations, private car travel and promote the use of public transport. Enhanced communications and engagement has been implemented to promote effective and practical action across households, communities, businesses and partners and policy support and co-ordination has been provided…
… supporting energy efficiency improvements with business, supporting city region-wide public transport and bus use, and sharing best practice with European partners. The Council’s Climate Emergency declaration identified five flagship projects: Reducing the energy used for street lighting Delivering a district heat network, with the potential for saving on Council and partner heating costs. 5…
… amount of money was requested in the City Region’s devolution asks and budget submissions. A devolution deal for West Yorkshire including a significant package of activity and investment in transport infrastructure has been secured as part of the Chancellor’s March 2020 budget. There will be significant resourcing implications for the Council, the Combined Authority and other stakeholders…
…. Regeneration – Facilitating and delivering new business/employment and residential developments that focus on the reclamation and redevelopment of brownfield sites, close to existing urban centres and railway stations so as to reduce reliance on remote out of town locations, private car travel and promotes the use of public transport. City Village –proposals to revitalise an area of the City Centre…
… accommodation in the heart of the City Centre that is built to the highest sustainable development standards that actively discourages private car use but promotes the benefit of city centre working where businesses and their employees have readily available access to public transport, shopping, leisure and other amenities. Energy District Heat Network a new energy network delivering low carbon and low…