Including 10 closely related terms such as transport use, public transport network, and transport options.
… take-up of public transport Ongoing T3.4 Encourage river transport use, and lobby for extra services and electrification of services that call at stops in the borough Ongoing Health Air quality 8 T3.5 Drive greater awareness of public transport facilities by improving signage around the borough and communicating more about the range of public transport options Ongoing…
… accessibility and infrastructure. Ongoing Health Air quality T2.5 Expand and improve engagement and education activities to help residents, commuters and visitors switch to walking, cycling and public transport. Ongoing Education Health Air quality Theme 3: Public transport Objective: 1. Seek improvements in a public transport network that reach all residents.. Actions Ref Action…
… When Wider benefits T3.1 Improve bus reliability and accessibility by protecting and expanding public transport routes. Ongoing Health Air quality T3.2 Promote and harness demand-led innovations to improve the experience of residents travelling by public transport Ongoing T3.3 Create cleaner, greener public transport stops and stations to improve the public realm and encourage more…
… and transport on the site to be zero carbon e.g. White City regeneration 2022 5 Ensure development within regeneration areas contribute towards area-wide sustainable infrastructure (e.g. decarbonised energy networks, sustainable transport etc) through updating of Infrastructure Delivery Plans. P1.7 Use regulatory planning powers to incentivise and promote low emission vehicles wherever…
… a Transport User Group in the Council and Green Fleet policy for the Council’s transport requirements. In place Air quality Health T4.13 Drive decarbonisation of contractor fleets with changes to procurement that integrate carbon reduction targets. 2023 Green Economy Air quality Health Theme 5: Freight Objective: 1. Work with public and private sector partners to consolidate…