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Search results for "public transport"

Including 9 closely related terms such as transport infrastructure, transport plan, and transport infrastructure.

1 result

Dorset Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… improve the quality & availability of public transport • Undertaken feasibility studies for two small scale Park & Ride Hubs • Discussions underway to strengthen 'internal consultation protocol' for all planning applications, to ensure that the Transport Planning team are directly consulted for all planning applications and pre-application enquiries for major developments, to provide…

… to promote technology to avoid travel and add to the Digital Dorset communications plan to re tweet/share information on the benefits of digital to reduce impact on the environment/travel • Agree 'internal consultation protocol' so that the Transport Planning team are directly consulted for all planning applications and pre-application enquiries for major developments, to provide input on sustainable

… travel arrangements, working from home and active travel • Continue to develop incentives and facilities to support and encourage staff to utilise public transport and shift to active travel patterns • Continue to improve systems for monitoring and managing business travel • Increase opportunities for expansion and greater utilisation of the electric pool fleet Reducing carbon emissions…

… from transport infrastructure, construction, and maintenance • 49% asphalt laid was Energy Reduced Asphalt (warm mix) – saving 15% embodied carbon in material production and saving 4kg of carbon per tonne of asphalt laid overall • 21,639 tonnes warm mix asphalt out of a total of 55,224 tonnes of asphalt laid in 2020/ 21 compared to 20,351 tonnes of warm mix asphalt out of a total of 43,451…

… input on sustainable transport T ra n s p o rt Page | 17 Supporting Active Travel • £79m Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) underway to improve infrastructure and facilities for sustainable and active travel across East Dorset and BCP areas - range of schemes underway • Southeast Dorset bikeshare scheme commissioned from Beryl Bikes • Expanded cycle training and independent…


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