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Search results for "public transport"

Including 8 closely related terms such as public transport network, road transport, and road transport.

1 result

Wiltshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

public transport and zero carbon vehicles. The Climate Strategy objectives will help guide us as we develop our Local Transport Plan, Local Plan, Bus Service Improvement Plans, and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans. Our Local Transport Plan in particular will work out the best mix of transport and travel solutions to help us achieve zero emissions. Objectives z To achieve…

…/publications/net-zero-strategy Our areas of focus Wiltshire Council will: ! Better understand our carbon baseline and forecast, and the impact of different transport actions ! Develop and implement a new Wiltshire Local Transport Plan, Local Plan and Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy in line…

… for Wiltshire z Through Wiltshire’s ambitious Bus Service Improvement Plan we will unlock grant funding for public transport in the government’s National Bus Strategy and deliver a high quality, lower fare, higher frequency, and greener public transport network. We will build upon the existing rural transport network, including through more Demand Responsive (DRT) type operations z Building…

… the county resilient to climate impacts. This strategy is not a statutory document but it will influence other key council strategies and plans such as our emerging Local Plan and our Local Transport Plan. Our new Business Plan firmly reflects the objectives of this strategy: our mission states that ‘we take responsibility for the environment’ and ‘we are on the path to carbon neutral…

… The current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere peaked at 420ppm in May 2021 350ppm SAFE 450ppm UNSAFE Britain’s emissions have fallen for the last eight years in a row and are now 48.8% below 1990 levels. UK emissions dropped by 9% in 2020, mainly due to the large reductions in road transport during nationwide lockdowns and the reductions in business activity. Photo: Westbury White…


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