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Search results for "public transport"

Including the closely related terms transport, and public transport.

1 result

South Ribble Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… refresher training Annual Ongoing Annual Delivery of central Lancashire strategy to promote active transport Use of planning process to ensure developments provide for access to public transport LCC Ongoing Annual Improved access to secure cycle storage facilities A minimum of 35 public secure cycle storage facilities to be provided across the borough by 2027 Local…

… and infrastructure development can be reduced in part by encouraging a shift to public transport and active travel (walking and cycling). However, the rural nature of some areas of the borough may see the continuing reliance on private vehicles. The pandemic has required new ways of working for many people, including for some the ability to work from home or undertake less work-related travel…

… travel and options for further reductions Short term Offer personalised travel plans for staff and elected members Encouraging staff and elected members to make more journeys using active transport, public transport or in shared car journeys. Short term Encourage use of business travel plans Encourage businesses within the borough to make use of travel plans…

… Long term Information and awareness raising To facilitate use of public transport, car sharing, schemes, active transport and electric vehicles LCC, schools and colleges, local businesses, residents Short term Working for national change Lobby national Government To provide fiscal incentives for the uptake of electric vehicles, provision of an Ongoing Annual…

… 8 adequate infrastructure and use of active transport. To provide a level playing field for the provision and use of public transport across the country Respond to transport related consultations To facilitate / promote delivery of above actions at earliest opportunity Ongoing Annual In addition to the above actions, the Council has already committed to a large number…


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