Including the closely related terms public transport, transport, and sustainable transport.
… increased incidences of flooding, disruption to public transport, impact on food production, wildlife and people’s health. • include consultation with all key services, customers that use them and residents more widely including young people. 19. Furthermore, the Covid-19 crisis has shown that there is an opportunity for environmental regeneration, with significant air quality…
… the Council’s own use of energy/natural resources, raising awareness around climate changes and providing integrated sustainable transport solutions • The majority feel that East Renfrewshire lacks the infrastructure for more journeys to be made by active travel (walking & cycling) and support more protected cycle ways, with strongest support amongst two Locality Planning Area wards which include…
… Auchenback, Neilston and Thornliebank • A minority viewed public transport as a viable option, however respondents living in the more deprived areas of East Renfrewshire and those living in rented accommodation were more likely to view public transport as a feasible option for their journeys • Most would consider an electric or hybrid option if they were looking to replace their car and would…
… support action to move from private cars to more sustainable transport options. • Views were generally positive on the quality of existing recycling services and around 50% feel they could make more use of kerbside recycling services. • Three out of four would like to do more to reduce the effects of climate change with financial costs being the most common barrier for residents to make changes…
… areas: • Carbon reduction measures- for example taking action to reduce the volume of carbon we produce from transport, the built environment, waste, consumption and the types of energy we use. • Carbon off-setting measures- for example using nature to take carbon from the atmosphere and store it, e.g. extensive tree-planting and diversifying amenity grass areas to meadows and woodlands…