Including 5 closely related terms such as public transportation, new transport, and public transport.
… how to transform our streets, secure better, cleaner and more accessible public transport services for Islington and improve air quality for residents. We will also electrify our fleet and encourage residents and local businesses to do the same by ensuring the appropriate infrastructure is in place. 3. Sustainable and affordable energy generation and supply Increase local generation…
… Services Director New Build 3030 Funding and Resources 31 In recent years, the council has invested significantly in measures that reduce carbon emissions from transport, infrastructure and buildings in the borough. These include: • £200,000 on school streets • £4m on new LED street lighting • £7.7m on transport projects that encourage active travel or use of public transport…
… away from gas where possible. In doing so we will work with borough partners such as schools and colleges, universities and the NHS to support them to reduce carbon emissions from their estates. 2. Transport Reduce emissions in the borough from transport: We will reduce vehicular emissions by encouraging walking, cycling and public transportation. By working collaboratively, we will explore…
… the perils of climate change is to build a clean and green borough that leaves none of our residents behind. The availability and use of clean, affordable energy for our residents is central to this. We will need to build infrastructure, retrofit energy inefficient homes, increase access to fair energy tariffs and build low carbon energy networks. We need to make sustainable transport accessible…
… carbon heat to around 1,200 homes and public buildings such as leisure centres and schools. • We’ve also been working on delivering a healthy, safer and more accessible transport environment, highlighted in our new transport strategy. Accomplishing this involves working closely with businesses to figure out ways that freight can maintain access to buildings without having as much impact…