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Search results for "public transport"

Including 8 closely related terms such as public transport network, public transport links, and passenger transport.

1 result

South Holland District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of produce. The rural nature of the area means limited public transport networks will make decarbonising transport a challenging task in the years ahead with residents often having to travel several kilometres to access key services such as doctors and supermarkets. While electric vehicles provide one option, as technology advances it is likely there will be a mixture of solutions adopted. Strategic…

… actions • Prioritise the development of an EV policy/strategy for ensuring correct positioning of charging infrastructure across the area based on modelling current and predicted future requirements • Maximise the potential of public transport links together with walking and cycling options and explore opportunities to decarbonise public transport through new and emerging technology. • Promote…

… and passenger transport, both for private and business purposes Housing 140.5 Emissions from energy consumption in and around the home Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) 109.2 Emissions/removals of CO2 from changes in the carbon stock in forestland, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements and harvested wood products, and of other greenhouse gases from drainage (excl. croplands…

… with emissions from industry also coming in the top three for emissions. kt CO2 (2019) Detail Transport 117.5 Emissions include freight and passenger transport, both for private and business purposes Housing 94.9 Emissions from energy consumption in and around the home Industrial 52.8 Emissions from businesses defined as UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC07) subsections 01-32, 35-39 & 42…

…, A. Duncan, A. (2019). “A summary carbon roadmap for Boston”. Place based Climate Action Network, East Lindsey Emissions in East Lindsey reduced by 27.31% between 2005 and 2019. The three largest contributing sectors are transport, domestic properties and land use, land use change and forestry. kt CO2 (2019) Detail Transport 274.2 Emissions include freight and passenger


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