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Search results for "public transport"

Including 6 closely related terms such as transport plan, public transport, and transport.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… natural world, better insulated and better ventilated homes, cleaner air, high quality job opportunities in the growing green economy, resilient supply of decarbonised energy, better public transport, improved health and well-being. Local government and the CPCA has a key role to play. Whilst many of the levers are in national Government hands, local government has a very important role. Local…

… government powers in transport, planning and borrowing are critical in driving the transformation. Local action will be needed in areas such as planning, home renovation, nature-based interventions, waste management, communication and engagement to support behaviour change, and ensuring that national schemes and support can be used to maximum e�ect and leveraged to accelerate the transition locally…

… that: The Combined Authority has been positive in its response (Box 1). It has accepted all the recommendations we made in March. Implementation is now key. 13 Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Executive Summary the Local Transport Plan, renamed to the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan, is to be refreshed to include a greater emphasis on digital improvements…

… and sustainability, for example development in transport planning. Ensure clear, inclusive, meaningful communication with citizens, businesses and civil society across the region on climate change and related issues, including the scale of the crisis, up to date information about action locally, and guidance. Sustainable choices must be a�ordable, convenient and safe. Where possible, the best option for people…

…, workers and visitors to the region. This should start with bringing those districts with low provision up towards the levels of the best; a transition towards zero emission bus and taxi �eets by 2030; measures to reduce car miles driven, including improvements to public transport, trials of on-demand electric buses and infrastructure for walking and cycling; exclusion of diesel vans and trucks from…


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