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Search results for "public transport"

Including the closely related terms public transport, and transport.

1 result

East Ayrshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… travel through walking, cycling and improved public transport. Active Travel 41. The travel restrictions and lockdowns imposed in response to the pandemic have significantly reduced vehicle miles in the last year and this has had a positive impact on the environment, with improvements in air quality and a dramatic increase in active travel. In the last year, Scotland has seen a 47% surge…

…. Improving Public Transport 44. Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) is the public transport authority for the West of Scotland and is currently developing a new Regional Transport Strategy (RTS). This will be informed by responses to their recent ‘Case for Change’ consultation and engagement activity, which recognises the significant decline in the use of bus services and the corresponding…

… increase in train use as the preferred mode of public transport. The key issues that will be included in the new RTS are outlined below:  Transport Emissions  Access for All  Regional Connectivity  Active Living  Public Transport Quality & Integration 45. A key priority for the Council at a local level is to improve access to public transport in our rural communities…

… and we are working with key partners, such as Coalfield Community Transport to further develop the availability and use of community busses, through the asset transfer of Council busses that are due to be replaced. We will also engage with Stagecoach on the development a Bus Service Improvement Partnership to improve the effectiveness and quality of existing bus services in terms of routes…

… collected since 2005 and the latest information available indicates that the East Ayrshire authority area emitted 471,000 tonnes CO2 in 2018 (just 1.6% of Scotland’s carbon emissions), this represents a 39% reduction in our area wide carbon consumption from the 770,000 tonnes of CO2 consumed in 2005. 14. The largest polluter in East Ayrshire is Transport at 40%, followed by Domestic…


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