Including 4 closely related terms such as transport needs, public transport, and transport.
… to be prioritised for appraisal and investment – from active travel and public transport options, to opportunities for light rail and bus rapid transit or options to enhance rail connections. Mar-22 Transport Revenue The Local Transport and Connectivity Plan is being developed, with engagement underway and consultation into 2022. CPCA to support 100% of homes and businesses to have access…
… accessibility and connectivity T3.3 Launch a trial of on-demand buses Oct-21 Transport Trial project launched in Huntingdonshire in October 2021, providing a responsive public transport service. For the initial trial it was not possible to run it with suitable electric buses. TRANSPORT CPCA's Buses Review to prioritise affordability and reliability of services T3.4 Bus Services Improvement…
… of the Transforming Cities Fund and to ZEBRA grant approval by DfT T3 CPCA to support action to reduce car miles driven by 15% to 2030 relative to baseline. T3.1 LTCP revision to consult on appropriate policies. To consider the Commission's recommendations that major new developments are connected with shared, public transport and safe cycling; and alternatives to road investment…
… Plan to consider affordability and reliability. Apr-22 Transport Bus Services Improvement Plan in development with operators and stakeholders. Investment by CPCA/operators in digitial ticket machines is providing real time reliability data. CPCA to work with major employers, employment hubs and Liftshare to encourage car-sharing, public transport, walking and cycling for commuting…
… surplus generation. E2.1 CPCA considering policy on all fuel types for future transport needs in the LTCP review. Mar-22 Transport This recommendation from the Commission will largely fall within the Climate Working Group to consider, but there is the question of hydrogen fuels for transport that will be considered through the review of the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan…