Including the closely related terms public transport, transport, and sustainable transport.
…, places, and the environment more widely, and want to seek to reduce car use overall across the district in favour of public transport and active travel. Encouraging people to move towards ultra-low emission vehicles and other forms of sustainable transport is critical to help us achieve our climate change and air quality ambitions. The Council will thus seek to progress policies in support…
… with a view to reducing our energy usage from our own estate. The three key areas of focus, below contribute most to the Council’s carbon footprint and are areas where the Council has the most scope to influence emissions: A. Reducing emissions from the District Council’s estate and operations. B. Reducing the need to travel and improving use of sustainable transport in our operations…
… important given the strategic amount of growth planned in the district, and the need for the Council to secure sustainable communities through a masterplan-led process and through place leadership. Alongside this, the Council’s overall transport vision for North Hertfordshire remains on based on sustainable transport. We recognise the many benefits of sustainable transport, both to individuals…
… to a low-carbon economy by 2050. Since the Climate Change Act 2008, a number of national initiatives have been introduced to help meet targets. The Carbon Plan 2011 identifies the emission reductions needed in five key areas of the economy; buildings; transport; industry; electricity; and agriculture to meet targets. The Clean Growth Strategy 2017 outlines the plan to grow the national income…