Including the closely related term transport.
… the first phase of renewable onsite generation at the depot. Travel & transport Within the last 5 years, the Council has invested in nine electric vehicles with associated charging points. Investigations are ongoing to establish the best route for full electrification of the vehicle fleet. Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 9 | P a g e…
… 4.3: potential carbon savings from transport 4.1.2 Action plan Sector Action Predicted saving tCO2 (% reduction) Timing Building estate Rationalise building estate – disposal of most inefficient assets. Energy efficiency key factor in decision-making 878 (4.4%) TBC Building energy efficiency improvements; Through whole building approach, or individual upgrades…
… programme 267 (1.4%) 2021 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0 1400.0 1600.0 tCO2 per sector 2018/19 Driver training Downsizing larger vehicles Modelled tCO2 savings from actions to make savings across transport RCV Rigid >7.5t Rigid <7.5t LCV large LCV medium LCV small Fleet Cars Plant, mowers Business mileage Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC…
… | P a g e Classification: OFFICIAL With the Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCV) fleet, consisting of 13 vehicles, making up over 37% of the organisation’s transport carbon emissions, action in this sector of the fleet is a high priority. The Green Fleet Review has run initial analysis on electrifying the RCV fleet, with results showing that that the reduction in carbon emissions from using…