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Including 5 closely related terms such as transport infrastructure, transport infrastructure, and transport.

1 result

Uttlesford District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… will need to engage with UK Power Networks and with Ofgem to enable this to happen. We will need significant new walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure, as well as charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, or other zero carbon fuels. We will need to build new infrastructure to protect homes and businesses from flooding. This will include grey infrastructure, such as flood walls…

… measures to deliver wider sustainable development, provide sustainable transport infrastructure, improve air quality, protect biodiversity and habitats and promote and improve environmental stewardship, reduce fuel poverty and improve the standard of housing. Actions will link into other strategies including the District Growth Strategy and further develop the green economy in the district…

… the lowest population density of any district or borough in Essex with high levels of car ownership and a restricted extent of public transport, especially in the more rural areas. All these are challenges to achieving sustainable development. Appendix 1 at the end of the strategy proposes ways for residents, communities, businesses, schools and visitors to reduce their carbon footprint and Help…

… covering all related aspects of climate change. Within the themes the group identified a number of priorities that support the delivery of the overall strategy and action plan. The key themes of the strategy are: Resources Energy Use Planning and Development Transport Council Assets and Operations Natural Environment Adapting to Climate Change Energy Conservation Priorities: • Increase…

… biodiversity. By 2040 the Council must build over 10,590 new homes, and the locations for these can be found in the new Local Plan. Spatial planning in the emerging Local Plan must prioritise walking and cycling and reduce the need for private car journeys. This can be achieved through the connectivity of mixed development uses, focusing on sustainable transport corridors that also encompass…


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