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Search results for "public transport"

Including 4 closely related terms such as community transport, transport, and public transport.

1 result

Stroud District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. …A 2030 VISION for MOBILITY Mobility | 2030 Stretch Goals SG 10 To ensure the proportion of trips by active travel, public or community transport outnumber those by private car SG 11 The districts main town centres, with some exemptions for residents and disability/ mobility reasons will be car free SG 12 To have increased the potential for rail travel through better connectivity and station…

… Staff Travel Adopt a Green Travel & Own Estates Traffic Management Plan and Policy, incorporating potential new measures such as low carbon pool cars and bikes (including e-bikes), mileage policy, home working and incentives for cycling and public transport through local schemes; Improved measuring and monitoring of the travel and transport carbon emissions of employees and set…

… we source and produce food, develop our agriculture supply chains and deal with food waste – this cuts across a broad range of actions, including land use, transportation, waste and resources, our economy particularly the farming sector and, community. Water Flooding, water consumption and water stewardship – this topic is touched upon by almost all the themes, but is particularly linked…

… to our actions in built and natural environment, waste and our community. Balancing Energy efficiency is largely dealt with in the built environment actions, but Carbon this topic is also visible in potential action that can be taken in relation to transport/mobility and community. The potentials for carbon sequestration and offset are also spread across the seven action areas. Social justice…

… COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN Networks for transport of all kinds will have been re-shaped to favour no- and low-carbon public travel choices. Fewer of us will be financing the ownership of our own cars and our journeys will be healthier through active travel and reduced air pollution. Our rural communities will be better connected to other parts of the district and beyond…


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