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Search results for "public transport"

Including 4 closely related terms such as passenger transport, passenger transport, and public transport.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…) • Passenger Transport 621 939 24 132 0 3242 30 62 16263 1974 1004 37439 6926 2007 665 -22730-30000 -20000 -10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 2019/20 Business Travel Enterprise Cars Fleet Transport Social Housing Staff Housing & Commuting Water Civil Defence Building Construction & Repairs Corporate Culture & Leisure Health & Social Care Highways Maintenance ICT…

… also have an adverse effect on local air quality, which affects health and wellbeing. In addition, because of road transport bias; the cost of climate change impacts should be considered in NHS costs, road maintenance due to extreme weather events, flooding, drainage and erosion costs. Building Utilities Clarification (Scope 1 & 2) 2.6 Scope 1 includes static sources (direct emissions…

… and business travel: Staff are encouraged to work from home, carry out meetings by teleconference or if meetings are necessary, to use public transport or efficient vehicles. However, public transport and air miles have not been included. Contracted Work (Scope 3) 2.9 Decision making in design to ensure minimum embodied carbon. Procurement of contractors will have a significant impact on the Councils…

… of IT and Shropshire Council Corporate Climate Strategy 2020 8 February 2021 11 Theme 2030 Objective Planned Measures communications technology wherever possible; • Encourage the use of active modes and public transport for shorter journeys; • Progressively replace Council Fleet vehicles with those powered by Ultra-Low emission fuels such as electricity and hydrogen; • Update procurement…

… ............................................................................................................. 5 Transport Fleet Clarification (Scope 1) .................................................................... 6 Building Utilities Clarification (Scope 1 & 2) ............................................................ 6 Procurement Clarification (Scope 3) ........................................................................ 6 Business Travel (Scope 3…


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