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Search results for "public transport"

Including the closely related terms transport, and public transport.

1 result

Gloucester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… efficient means of reduction is by encouraging people to move around on foot, bike or public transport. While transport is a County Council function, there are interventions the city can undertake through the planning system, the promotion of alternatives, the use of its of own (and partners’) fleet and how all staff/Members conduct e.g. work meetings. 3.15 Community Action The original earth summit…

… efficient. For the wider Gloucester community, the recently constructed Transport Hub will have made public transport more attractive, and we have enabled the recycling of carbon heavy items and ensured the Private Hire and Hackney taxi fleet is the most modern and less polluting in the County. We have continued to be very active in the area of adaptation, through tree planting and conservation…

… in their carbon footprint depending on the energy needed to extract and transport them to source. Battery power, while not renewable, is an essential part of low carbon electricity use, as low carbon energy can be stored when not needed to be fed back into the grid at peak time. 3.12 Alternative fuels Gas does not have to be fossil fuel derived. For example, the food waste from Gloucester is sent…

… of the Cotswolds escarpment and within the tidal reach of the Severn Estuary, we are going to have to do more to ensure that residents and business manage their flood risk most effectively. 3.14 Transport Transport accounts for around a third of UK carbon emissions, and this does not even include those arising from aviation. Emissions can be reduced by the use of electric cars, but by far the most…

… that development responds, mitigates and minimises its impact on climate change through sustainable design and construction, addressing flood risk and encouraging the use of sustainable forms of transport, making the most of existing infrastructure’. As such it includes policies on: electric charging points, building standards, renewable energy and flood management. Our private sector housing team works…


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