Including 6 closely related terms such as public transport links, passenger transport, and passenger transport.
… by helping to progress implementation of the Northern Line Extension to Battersea. The building of the NLE was a pre-requisite of the development of the area as we wanted to ensure that residents had access to good public transport links. This is an approach we will replicate where appropriate. We will continue to promote and support the use of the River Thames for passenger transport, including…
… KEY ISSUES Sustainable Transport Wandsworth is one of the most desirable and dynamic places to live and work in London and is experiencing growth and expansion of developments. This places huge demands on our transport infrastructure, in 2017 there were 124m passengers at Wandsworth's railway stations alone, not including bus and underground usage. The Council’s key transport challenge…
… to start cycling. Walking Cycling Public Transport Taxi Pool Car Private Car Air Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy 2019 –203015 W an d sw o rt h - A n e nv ir o n m en ta lly f ri en d ly b o ro u g h Targets 2019-2022: • Build upon our electric charging infrastructure and continue to invest in programs to improve the Council’s electric charging…
… relentlessly for better public transport and we have sought to make walking and cycling in our busy borough safer and less stressful. Just as we were an early pioneer of car clubs we have been equally ambitious in extending the network of electric charging points across the borough. Our residents have backed us so that we now have one of the highest electric vehicle take-up rates in the capital. We…
… infrastructure and make Wandsworth the easiest place in the country to run an electric car. • We will improve our air quality, with our actions on transport, planning and development all contributing to improving air quality, including tackling pollution and emissions from engine-idling. • We will reduce the amount of energy that we use as an organisation, improve the energy efficiency of our housing…