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Search results for "public transport"

Including 8 closely related terms such as road transport, road transport, and transport plan.

1 result

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Commission NISP National Indsutrial Symbiosis Programme NPPF National Planning Policy Framework NYLTP North Yorkshire Local Transport Plan OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OFGEM Office for Gas and Electricity Markets ONS Office for National Statistics PPA Power Purchase Agreement PV Photovoltaic R&D Research and Development RCP Representative Concentration…

… from energy and waste. The report highlights the importance of smart meters, advances in batteries and storage, consideration of the case of tidal, carbon capture and storage, nuclear, and consideration of the barriers for different renewable energy technologies. The necessity of a revolution in road transportation is also identified. This focuses around how technologies can be introduced…

… authorities and the City Region LEP, alongside a range of private sector stakeholders. The strategy looks out to 2040 and assesses both what success would look like, and how it would overcome regional barriers and weaknesses. The strategy has six core themes: Road network; Places to live and work; One system public transport; Smart futures; Asset management and resilience; and Inclusive growth…

…. The strategy seeks to overcome these through influencing and maximizing investment decisions, driving the deployment of appropriate technologies that dovetail with the inclusive growth ambitions of the SEP. North Yorkshire Local Transport Plan North Yorkshire County Council created the NYLTP document through consultation with the public, stakeholders and partner organisations. One headline finding…

… of the process was that the local population prioritise maintaining current transport services and infrastructure to a good standard over providing new services and infrastructure. The thematic objectives of the plan are economic growth, road safety, access to services, environment and climate change and healthier travel. The main interplay with the energy falls under ‘environment and climate change…


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