Including 5 closely related terms such as domestic transport, domestic transport, and transport.
… associated with water consumption and those associated with business travel on public transport. As a result, the Council’s overall carbon emissions are likely to increase in future reporting as more and better quality data becomes available. 6. The total Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the District for 2017 were 636 ktCO2e. Figure 1 shows that the main sources of emissions in the District at this time…
… were transport (47.2%) and the domestic housing stock (34.7%), with non-domestic buildings accounting for 15.2% and fuels used for agriculture accounting for 3%. Non-Domestic Domestic Transport - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Gas Electricity Other fuels Agriculture (all fuels) Transport (all fuels) Wealden District CO2e emissions (2017) kt C O 2e /y r Figure 1: Wealden…
… for the Council to investigate the potential for low carbon heat networks. 21.Similarly, the Council has a leadership role to play in the transformation of the transport sector. The Council can set an example by adopting electric vehicles within its own fleet and help to facilitate uptake in the District by installing public charging points within its own car parks. For a zero carbon target to be met…
… private transport decarbonisation Sep 2020 O/R External T3 Review the Council’s fleet and replacement plans (zero emission alternatives) Sep 2020 O/R Internal T4 Replace the Council’s fleet with zero emission alternatives where feasible When due for renewal Budget: TBA Internal T5 Work with stakeholders to assess options for increasing the uptake of zero emission vehicles Aug 2020 – Dec…
… sectors in the District (e.g. domestic, non-domestic, and transport) by fuel type. Council emissions, which are included as part of the overall District’s emissions figures, are identified separately to enable the Council to assess and measure progress within its own operations. 4. Emissions are categorised, using the industry standard for reporting greenhouse gases (the Greenhouse Gas Protocol…