Including 4 closely related terms such as transport plan, public transport, and transport.
…, our Medium Term Financial Plan, and other strategic plans including the Economic Plan and the Joint Local Transport Plan. The Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan will be reviewed annually to confirm our principles and to analyse our progress. Key principles Our scope How we will measure progress The how Areas we can influence or ask for help and support nationally Areas we…
… identified in our Action Plan that will help to either avoid carbon production (low carbon homes), reduce the amount (renewable electricity), mitigate against production (public transport) or help to store it away (tree planting). https://www.n…
… of climate change 3 oC We are currently on track for 3o of warming – the tipping point 4 oC Unchecked emissions growth could lead to severe and widespread climate change by 2100 Become a net zero carbon council An energy efficient built environment Renewable energy generation Repair, reuse, reduce and recycle Replenish our carbon stores Reduce emissions from transport Adapting…