Including the closely related terms road transport, road transport, and transport.
…. As the carbon content of electricity reduces the importance of reducing heating demand, switching to low carbon heat (for example heat pumps) and electrifying transport become increasingly important. The contribution from road transport has been calculated on a per capita basis from the total London emissions. The contribution from aviation has been calculated on a per capita basis from the total…
… energy consumption savings. This is taken into account in the recommended actions. Transport: Council’s fleet and business travel Transport emissions are from the Council’s fleet, in particular its lorries which are mostly on diesel. There is only one hybrid and no electric cars. A large proportion have unknown vehicle type and fuel. Current renewable energy generation There is currently…
… 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 To ta l a nn ua l g re en ho us e g a s em is si on s fr om L BT H ( kt C O 2 e) Offset F-gases* Aviation* Industry Forestry and land use Transport Waste* Other metered energy Buildings and towns -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 A nn ua l g re en ho us e g a s em is si on s (k tC O 2 e/ yr ) Required offset Transport Street…
… lighting and other small external uses Buildings & Landlord areas Zero Carbon Tower Hamlets | Executive summary Net Zero Carbon Council by 2025 The current total carbon emissions under the Council’s direct control are 10 ktCO2e/year and are dominated by buildings. External energy use (e.g. street lighting) and transport also represent significant sources of emissions…
… efficiency: insulation, improved airtightness and better windows, install Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) wherever possible, install PVs. An 80% carbon reduction on-site should be achieved for full retrofit projects, or a plan put in place to achieve this. Transport Replace the Council’s diesel and petrol cars with electric cars and vans Accelerate the replacement cycle so that 95…