Including the closely related terms public transport links, transport, and public transport.
… of England. Average temperatures have increased by nearly 1°C since the 1980s. All of the top ten warmest years for the UK have occurred since 1990. This includes 2014, which was the warmest year on record in the UK. Public transport links will be affected by the heat as temperatures on all modes of transport become harder to bear. There is a risk of severe disruption on roads (affecting cars…
… that straddles the Thames, making it at risk of flooding but also meaning limited crossing points and transport around the borough. 5 Global Warming of 1.5 ºC. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LONDON BOROUGH OF RICHMOND UPON THAMES - CLIMATE CHANGE SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY 2019-20248 Summer Temperature Winter Temperature Summer Precipitation Winter…
…, buses, and emergency services), rail and underground leading to transport difficulties. This can also impact services such as rubbish collection, schools and hospitals, which could postpone appointments and operations. Sea/ River Level Rise Rise in sea / river levels and storm surges. The risk of fluvial and tidal flooding in Richmond can be expected to increase as a result of climate…
… change and this increase in the number of properties at risk of flooding. LBRuT is very susceptible to surface water flooding, such as the summer 2007 flooding The borough is vulnerable to surface water flooding which could cause disruption to transport (road closures, speed restrictions and lane restrictions) and damage to property. Surface water flooding is regularly contaminated with sewage…
… approach. Adopting a structured and measured approach to energy sourcing and use, waste production and disposal, travel and transport, and the purchasing of goods and services will help the Council prepare for the adverse conditions that may be faced due to the changing climate. At a time of intense pressure on resources the expanding green economy also presents an opportunity to set a positive…