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Search results for "public transport"

Including 8 closely related terms such as public transport options, transport needs, and transport options.

1 result

London Borough of Lambeth

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… Page 20 Open Final - Version 24/08/2021 Recommendations 1. To reduce the number of journeys made using private vehicles, Lambeth Council together with Transport for London should review existing public transport routes in the borough to ensure greener transport options are introduced effectively and quickly based on user need. • Green public transport options should be continuously…

… in the borough: 1. To reduce the number of journeys made using private vehicles, Lambeth Council together with Transport for London should review existing public transport routes in the borough to ensure greener transport options are introduced effectively and quickly based on user need. 2. Organisations across the borough should encourage and enable cycling through development of better cycle…

… get around without a private car. A good example of this was the varied experience of public transport routes in the borough, with one member highlighting the lack of routes to a supermarket, for instance. The Assembly process encouraged members to consider climate change from both their and others’ perspectives. Some members who are cyclists, for instance, were very focussed…

… faces with disabled parking spaces. I'm glad to be a part of such a diverse group.” Participant, Lambeth Climate Assembly Monitoring and evaluating transport needs, to ensure the right solutions were implemented, became a key theme underpinning discussions. These types of conversations, together with input from some of the expert speakers, also made the Assembly emphasise how any…

… changes to transport need to be inclusive and accessible. “Some policies are obvious, such as finding ways to penalise or increase taxation on multi-car households, etc. but in other areas the social impact or inequity needs to be really thought through.” Participant, Lambeth Climate Assembly P g N o P g N o Lambeth’s Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change: Final recommendations…


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