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Search results for "public transport"

Including the closely related term transport.

1 result

Huntingdonshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and Shared Services 01/02/2025 High Undertake a fleet review, to plan reduction in fossil fue l use in Council vehicles Travel and Transport Leisure, Waste and Street Scene 01/02/2025 Medium Appoint a Climate Co-ordinator All Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Set the Council's emissions baseline and continue to report on an annual basis All Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium…

… Medium Conduct a staff travel survey on employee commuting, to assess climate impact Travel and Transport Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Collect information on staff travel (business mileage) from payroll to enable accurate emissions reporting. Travel and Transport Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Medium Implement a real nappy initiative scheme Waste, Recycling &…

…, Waste and Street Scene Combined Authority to include Community and Council Open Spaces 01/02/2025 Identify actions to increase resi lience to Low disruption to Counci l services from extreme Nature Climate and Environment weather 01/02/2025 Low Support delivery of the Great Fen Nature Planning 2027 onwards Low Undertake a behavioural study/survey on EV Travel and Transport Leisure, Waste…

… and Street Scene choices and charging in Huntingdonshire 01/02/2024 Commission a feas ibility study to look to Low expand the Council 's existing network of EV Travel and Transport Leisure, Waste and Street Scene Charging, exploiting any funding opportunities that become available 01/02/2024 Low Develop an EV strategy for Huntingdonshire Travel and Transport Leisure, Waste and Street Scene 01/02…

…/2024 Work with partners and responsib le transport Low authorities to promote active, net zero carbon Travel and Transport Climate and Environment travel 2027 onwards Keep recycl ing contamination rate below 7%, Leisure, Waste and Street Scene Low through rigorous benchmarking and Waste, Recycling & Resource Management monitoring 01/02/2024 Engage with local businesses to exp lore ways…


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