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Search results for "public transport"

Including the closely related terms transport infrastructure, transport infrastructure, and transport.

1 result

Elmbridge Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, to improve the local low carbon transport infrastructure. 20/21 - 23/24 n/a 120,000 £114,750 Being sought from the strategic CIL bid n/a n/a AMPS 20 Pending accommodation review process 21 Based on an assumption that staff commuting miles are reduced by 40% (assumes that employees working on average 2 days a week remotely). 22 Pending accommodation review process 23 Cost savings…

… item no. 8, 08/12/2021 07 December 2022 Version 1.2 Approved by Council See Cabinet item no. 28/22, 16/11/2022 See Council item no. 7.(b), 07/12/2022 Content Table 1: Organisation Emissions - Carbon Reduction Actions ......................................................... 2 Table 2: Transport and Air Quality - Carbon Reduction Actions…

…, and to understand how they manage and reduce their carbon emissions, etc. The detail of questions will de- pend on the type of contract. 22/23 n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a Procure- ment Elmbridge Borough Council - Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 10 Table 2: Transport and Air Quality - Carbon Reduction Actions Ref. Action Description When Est. carbon…

… savings [tCO2e/ year] Est. cap- ital cost [£] Funding source Est. sav- ings [£/year] Est. sim- ple pay- back [years] Lead Transport and Air Quality 24 Remote and Agile Working20 Seek senior management decision on the strate- gic direction how staff will be able to work re- motely (post Covid-19). This may include desk/staff ratios, identification of implications…

… based on an estimated 10.6% reduction in business mile claims, based on Energy Saving Trust estimates. Elmbridge Borough Council - Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 11 Ref. Action Description When Est. carbon savings [tCO2e/ year] Est. cap- ital cost [£] Funding source Est. sav- ings [£/year] Est. sim- ple pay- back [years] Lead Transport


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