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Including 4 closely related terms such as road transport, road transport, and transport.

1 result

North East Derbyshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… that almost 60% of the District’s CO2e emissions are generated by road transport and residential buildings. To stay on track to meet the UK’s 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions target there is an urgent need to move away from using fossil fuels in our vehicles and homes. The choices we make and the action we take can all have a positive impact on reducing the emissions we generate in our daily…

… of better public transport and cycling routes and look for opportunities to introduce initiatives to promote uptake of low carbon vehicles. • Influence significant carbon reduction and cost savings in the wider area through the planning process. • Work with our neighbouring authorities to develop Countywide planning policies to promote low carbon lifestyles. Challenges: Government legislation…

…, and coordinate our resources better and more sustainably. The five key themes of the Strategy are: • Local Authority Estate, Operations and Services • Strengthening the Low Carbon Economy • Decarbonising Derbyshire’s Housing • Sustainable Transport, Travel and Infrastructure • Waste and Resources. Awaiting publication. North East Derbyshire District Council Plan 2019 - 2023 The Council Plan…

… Theme 3 - Low Carbon Transport 14 Theme 4 - Renewable Energy 15 Theme 5 - Planning 16 Theme 6 - Biodiversity 17 Theme 7 - Waste and Recycling 18 Theme 8 - Housing 19 Theme 9 - Local Economy 20 Theme 10 - Community Collaboration 21 Monitoring our Progress 22 Annex A - Policy Drivers 24 Annex B - Glossary 26 Annex C - Sources 27 3 Foreword Our aspiration is for our District…

…. The Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Plan draws together a range of strategic, tactical and operational activities being undertaken by many partners in many different areas of influence in order to collaboratively reduce carbon emissions in the District. We can use our influence across a range of issues, including waste collection and disposal, housing, environment and transport. We…


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