Including the closely related term transport.
… possible This was in the context of changes to collection arrangements during COVID- 19 and it is not yet possible to determine the impacts of other changes. However, our waste collection contractor remain committed to emissions reductions throughout the contract. 3.6 Development of a Mass Rapid Transit network as a strategic public transport route High High By 2030. Blueprint…
… for September to outline progress and next steps. A draft LCWIP is expected in early 2022, with a view to adoption later in summer. 3.8 Work with Stagecoach/public transport providers to electrify fleet – work to secure inward investment/funding Low High TBC No. of electric buses in use in borough As Stagecoach replaced much of their fleet in December 2019 with more efficient…
… for everyone in the borough to contribute • Buildings – tackling emissions from heating and powering our buildings • Transport – tackling emissions from vehicles • Zero carbon electricity – supporting the transition to a decarbonised electricity system • Waste and Consumption – reducing waste and consumption • The Natural Environment – maximising the climate mitigation and adaptation qualities…
…. Discounting these emissions allows us to better focus our efforts on emissions where we have more influence, and so we propose to utilise this dataset moving forward. Re-baselining data from 2018 shows ‘subset’ CO2 emissions in the borough at 876,800 tCO2. Subset emissions for 2019 were 837,600 tCO2 a reduction of 4.8%. Transport remains the largest proportion of emissions in both datasets…
… out Medium TBC TBC Strategy developed EPCs and DECs used to measure improvements This action will be progressed in future. 3. Transport: Action number Action Council emissions Borough- wide emissions Emissions reduction Cost Timescale KPI/ measure of progress 21/22 Update 3.1 Undertake phased electrification of council fleet vehicles, when vehicles…