Including the closely related term consultation.
… to climate change adaptation. A focus of the ECCP is developing a communications and marketing plan with the aims of: • increasing local awareness of climate change risks and the requirement for adaptation in identifed priority high risk areas • consultation with residents about food risk and related interventions • encouraging ‘growing your own’ vegetables and fruit Croydon Climate Change…
… to withstand future extremes in temperatures and precipitation levels. Croydon Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan 5 1 Croydon’s vision The ‘Imagine Croydon’ visioning exercise took place in 2009 to derive a long-term vision for the borough. This consultation with over 20,000 local people has set the overall vision for Croydon (…
… is the Council’s Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy is the key document in the LDF that will set out the spatial vision for Croydon for the next 20 years or so and how it can be achieved. A further Regulation 25 consultation draft has been published that included the vision theme of Croydon as ‘A Place with a Sustainable Future’ and thematic strategies relating to ‘Climate Change, Energy, CO2…
… partner responsible for the completion of the action and when this is the case lead partners are identifed. The success criteria as milestones for the completion of each action have been listed breaking up the work required for each action into a project plan; this will also help the partnership to monitor progress. Targets have been set for each action in consultation with the lead partner…