Including the closely related term consultation.
… theme in the Climate Emergency Action Plan and providing feedback for the finalisation of the Interim Climate Change Strategy. The Strategy and/or the Climate Emergency Action Plan will then be used as a basis for wider consultation in early 2023. 3.22 Progress on emission reductions will be measured in the PBCCD report while a communications plan will be integrated into the Climate Emergency…
… an updated benchmark of Clackmannanshire’s direct emissions, sets out pathways to achieving net zero in direct and indirect emissions in addition to identifying adaptation opportunities. Progress will be measured through the annual Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties report and the delivery of actions within a Climate Emergency Action Plan while initial consultation will be undertaken during…
… and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to net zero greenhouse gas emissions. 6.4. The full financial implications of the recommendations are set out in the report. This includes a reference to full life cycle costs where appropriate. Yes 6.5. Finance have been consulted and have agreed the financial implications as set out in the report. Yes…
… of the trajectories for net zero targets, feedback will be received on them, the Draft Climate Emergency Action Plan and the Interim Climate Change Strategy from the Climate Forums. The finalised net zero pathways will be incorporated into and shape the first draft of the Council’s updated Climate Change Strategy. The draft strategy will then go out for broad consultation including with schools and youth…
…, residents, businesses and the Council in each of the five wards in Clackmannanshire in order to contribute to local environmental targets. With the upcoming creation of the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan, the revision of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and subsequent consultation on the Strategy, it is crucial that the public have the chance to contribute to Clackmannanshire’s…