Including the closely related term consultation.
… improve the quality & availability of public transport • Undertaken feasibility studies for two small scale Park & Ride Hubs • Discussions underway to strengthen 'internal consultation protocol' for all planning applications, to ensure that the Transport Planning team are directly consulted for all planning applications and pre-application enquiries for major developments, to provide…
… to promote technology to avoid travel and add to the Digital Dorset communications plan to re tweet/share information on the benefits of digital to reduce impact on the environment/travel • Agree 'internal consultation protocol' so that the Transport Planning team are directly consulted for all planning applications and pre-application enquiries for major developments, to provide input on sustainable…
… Dorset) • Planning permission for new waste management centre for Blandford granted • 264 enforcement actions undertaken for fly tipping • Established 'internal consultation protocol' for all planning applications. As part of this, the Waste Team are consulted on pe-apps and planning applications for new residential development and commercial developments to ensure that appropriate provision…
…) guidance provided in the Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal Protocol technical guidance for consultants. To ensure all new developments conform the Environment Act's requirement for 10% biodiversity gains for all new development • Planting more trees - development of mapping and data analysis that will form the baseline for ambitions set out in the Nature Recovery Plan N a tu ra l A s s e ts…
…-and-ecological-change/ Page | 23 • Creation of media assets (incl. video) to support climate strategy action Engaging key stakeholders • Consulted on strategy and action plan in Autumn/Winter 2021 • Working with range of partner organisations to deliver various key activities • Some initial engagement with key groups (town and parish councils, schools) • Engaging with key groups…