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Search results for "public consultation"

Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

Belfast City Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… by the city’s ‘Mini Stern’, by consultation with city partners and with communities, and are intended as a step change in the city’s approach to climate adaptation and mitigation. 1. New city-wide structures to collaborate on climate action Belfast has established two permanent new structures to drive partnership and collaboration to build the city’s climate resilience and drive climate action…

… to shape a transformed sustainable economy for the city. Our conversation with children and young people as part of this strategy consultation, found that sustainability and inclusion were key priorities for them, and would frame the choices they take about where to live in the future. Poor air quality and the prevalence of cars are considered among the biggest barriers to child‑friendliness and a key…

… growth, and importantly to achieving a step change indifferences in life expectancy. The focus of this strategy, to transition to a net-zero emissions city, is also intended to make the city more attractive for children and young people, improving liveability and increasing their social and economic opportunities. During the formal consultation on this draft strategy, we listened to and considered…

… will support business leaders to access the relevant knowledge to deliver environmentally, socially sustainable practice within their organisations. Participants will receive mentoring, materials and consultancy from the University to ensure growth beyond the life of the training. Longer term, the project will deliver innovative concepts for design, planning, construction and management of climate resilient…


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