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Wiltshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

process. This demonstrated overwhelming support for all our climate objectives and a strong desire for the council to show leadership and do more, faster. A summary of the consultation feedback is available in the council’s Cabinet papers for 1 February 2022. The Wiltshire Climate Alliance was formed in 2020 as an umbrella organisation for environmental groups across the county. These groups…

… with the level of response we received to our consultation on this strategy in Autumn 2021. This final version is a longer document which incorporates feedback from the more than 1000 residents and stakeholders who responded. Wiltshire Climate Strategy 2022 - 2027 Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader 3 Introduction In February 2019, against a backdrop of increasing concern over climate change…

… that cutting carbon emissions deeply and rapidly over the coming years is a huge challenge and that there is much more to do. We will learn from best practice elsewhere and share our skills and experience with local partners who look to us for leadership on this agenda. The council has engaged with residents and stakeholders in Wiltshire to develop the strategy through a comprehensive consultation

… is built to net zero carbon standards as soon as possible is a key theme from all engagement to date, so during the course of the climate strategy consultation we published a set of frequently asked questions on our website to answer many of the issues raised in relation to this and other topics. The current review of the Wiltshire Local Plan is one of our main ways as a council to influence…

… with different Wiltshire Climate Strategy 2022 - 2027 23…


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