Including the closely related term consultation.
… a net zero carbon borough. New Strategy and an accompanying Action Plan adopted. Cost: Low (Staff Costs) supported with consultancy input. Adopted Strategy and Action Plan. Energy and Sustainability Team. Q4. 2021 1.1.2. Deliver the borough’s first Climate Resilience and Urban Greening Strategy. New Strategy and an accompanying Action Plan…
… the Strategic Planning Team regarding net zero carbon programmes. Strategic Planning. Ongoing. 1.1.4. Deliver a new Waste and Recycling Strategy that considers measures to reduce associated carbon emissions by helping to accelerate the New Strategy and an accompanying Action Plan adopted. Cost: Low (Consultants to draft the Strategy) Adopted Strategy and Action…
… Plan. Waste Team. Q3. 2021 6 uptake of the circular economy. 1.1.5. Ensure that net zero carbon and ‘climate positive’ will feature as major considerations in the Council’s new Local Transport Plan (adoption in 2022). Continued development of new Local Transport Plan. Cost: Low (Consultants to draft the Local Transport Plan) Increased…
… per annum that will take place virtually during the Covid- 19 pandemic. Green Staff Forum. Monthly 12 1.3.4. Provide net zero and climate training capacity building to members of the Energy & Sustainability Team to reduce reliance on consultancies to deliver work on the Green City workstream. Staff completing training courses e.g. LED lighting…
… pilot School Street projects and the identification of future sites for additional projects. Cost: Covered through Department for Transport Emergency Active Travel Fund (Tranche 1 and Tranche 2). Number of pilots delivered. Planning Team and Transport Team. Q2. 2021 21 2.4.5. Undertake a consultation that reviews the holistic network wide cycle…