Including the closely related term consultation.
… increased incidences of flooding, disruption to public transport, impact on food production, wildlife and people’s health. • include consultation with all key services, customers that use them and residents more widely including young people. 19. Furthermore, the Covid-19 crisis has shown that there is an opportunity for environmental regeneration, with significant air quality…
… that there is a broad consensus on how to progress the agenda. Consultation could extend to highlighting progress being made and what benefits are being realised. Digital technologies could allow us to display real-time air quality measurements around our schools and on local high streets and/or or display our progress towards net-zero carbon emissions Progress 23. Despite delays caused by the coronavirus…
… issue groundwork for a new approach to a climate change strategy and action plan development has started. 24. Carbon measurement is a technical specialism and as such, the Environment Department has, through a successful application for Scottish Government funding, engaged consultant expertise with regard to the development of a Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy. This will look…
… existing and potential work-streams, e.g. increased active travel and cleaner transportation will continue to be maximised. CONSULTATION 29. Consultation will form a key activity in the development of the strategy and action plan. A recent Citizens’ Panel Survey had a focus on climate change and its findings will be used to shape the strategy and action plan. A summary of the key findings…
…. There are no financial implications arising directly from this report. Climate change activity undertaken during the course of 2018/19 has been undertaken within approved capital and revenue resources. CONSULTATION AND PARTNERSHIP WORKING 12. The Climate Change Report was compiled with collaboration from several teams across departments within the Council. The final report was reviewed by Internal…