Including 4 closely related terms such as consultation, public consultation, and consultation exercise.
… Developing the strategy: Responding to feedback In addition to the feedback of partners, contractors and other local governmental bodies, the council undertook a public consultation exercise to elicit views on the council’s fourth environmental strategy. There was a high level of ambition for the city to continue to reduce emissions and become more sustainable. However, some of the ideas…
… organisation can do alone. The city’s people, businesses and institutions will need to work together like never before to make the Norwich of the future a truly liveable city. Taking action on climate change is a fundamental part of achieving the city’s 2040 vision. Consultation During December 2019 - January 2020 the council undertook an online public consultation. This took the form…
… cabinet) and an all-member Tyndall/UEA workshop • Assessment of the resources the council will have in the future to carry out environmental work • Commentary from various external stakeholders, including any relevant government agencies • Meetings with local action groups such as XR (Extinction Rebellion) and CHAIN (Climate Hope Action in Norfolk) • An extensive public consultation…
… of a questionnaire. The consultation aimed to seek feedback on the draft environmental strategy, giving the citizens of Norwich the opportunity to have their say on the way that Norwich City Council proposes to manage environmental issues within their sphere of influence. The council also reached out to various stakeholders such as the Environment Agency, other planning authorities and numerous third sector…
… groups. Some responses ran to over a page of A4 in length. One engaged respondent provided 19 individual answers to one question. 1831 responses were collected in total, with the responses running to over 25,000 words. The consultation results have been scrutinised by the environmental strategy team. Consideration has been given to how viable it might be to deliver various suggestions made…