Including the closely related term consultation.
… survey being undertaken, with consultant confirming what improvement options are available. Measured survey produced and improvement options considered Project funding and authority is unknown at this time. Further authority report is required to secure a budget following the termination of the Kingsmead Project. Budget will include a mix of EHDC funding and S.106 funding Aiming…
…. A contingency allowance has been retained. NO £1,613,861 £23,221,939 Jess Khanom EA permit achieved for temporary bridge. Start of construction phase 3G pitch site continues to be explored through consulting the EA and understanding trees on the site. Geo-tech surveys to be considered for the site. Plus £50,000 (sustainability) Final cost agreed for leisure centre construction contract, with contracts…
… in October. Good finds and support from community Consultant now drawing up tender documents for all principal works Programme on track. Project risks remain but with mitigating actions in place NO £29,155 Relocation of tennis courts – planning application approved - see risks £2,537,800 Jess Khanom Bat surveys complete Building designs being reviewed in relation to sustainability in response…
… trees. Solutions currently being explored by leisure centre consultants. Expansion of community events programme First phase of tree works completed. Considering change to air source heat pumps Project Management Consultancy Contract agreed by NLHF and awarded. Contract to design conservation works to restore Castle Remains awarded Design Interpretation Contract awarded to create signage…
… Standards SPD) which will include requirements for vehicle charging points etc. The provisional timetable plans for consultation in late 21 with adoption in early 2022. ü ü ü 2.1.3 Publish a Biodiversity SPD. Yet to commence. Planned for 2022 ü ü 2.1.4 Publish a revised District Plan A District Plan review has now started with a ‘call for sites’. ü ü ü ü ü ü 2.2 Develop sustainability advice geared…