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Search results for "public consultation"

Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

Canterbury City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… that prioritises measures to reduce district emissions and create climate resilience For public consultation in mid 2021 DCA2 District level carbon budgets Climate Change Partnership Board Working with KCC and district partners, agree district level carbon budgets and secure pan-district buy-in 2021-22 DCA3 Energy Innovation Area Climate Change Officer With KCC and other strategic partners…

… and grounds maintenance policies and plans. ~505 2022 NZ15 Stakeholder engagement Climate Change Officer Engage and consult with tenants of council commercial and public buildings to formulate joint decarbonisation plans. ~3500 2021 NZ16 Heavy fleet decarbonisation Climate Change Officer with Develop options appraisal to inform and plan for phased changes to decarbonise refuse collection…

…, develop an Energy Innovation Area in the district to enable Energy and Low Emissions Strategy projets 2022 DCA4 District engagement Corporate Communications / Climate Change Officer Communicate climate change action broadcast of opportunities for residents and businesses and engagement and consultation on council plans. Ongoing DCA5 Clean Air Zone Climate Change Officer (with Transport…


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