Including 4 closely related terms such as consultation outcome, public consultation, and consultation.
… will be reviewed as part of the resource requirements of the 2030 Strategy. 4.12 Key Outcomes Produce a draft roadmap to Carbon Neutral Bridgend Council 2030 that works with a Public Service Board broader Roadmap for Bridgend Borough 2030, utilising best practice and WLGA areas of influence. Hold a Public consultation on the draft Bridgend 2030 Decarbonisation Strategy as part of the Council’s…
… commitment to an annual Sustainability Summit in summer 2021, including forums for young people, etc. The consultation outcome and subsequent draft 2030 Strategy and Action Plan would be subject to approval in a further report to Cabinet. Resource the energy programme effectively, including possibly a temporary leadership role (Programme Director) to improve the delivery of projects…
… public consultation in the summer of 2021 and the target of approval of a finalised strategy by the Autumn. Figure 4 – Roadmap to the “Bridgend 2030” Decarbonisation Strategy 5.0 Effect upon policy framework and procedure rules 5.1 There is no direct impact on the Council’s policy framework and procedure rules. 6.0 Equality Impact Assessment 6.1 An initial Equality Impact Assessment (EIA…
… by 2030. The harmful impacts of events arising from climate change affect people and property which in turn presents both direct and indirect challenges and costs for BCBC. 9. Recommendations 9.1 It is recommended that Cabinet :- Approves the development of a draft “Bridgend 2030” decarbonisation strategy and action plan for public consultation in the summer of 2021 and note that this draft…
… strategy and action plan shall be reported to a future cabinet meeting prior to public consultation. Approves and delegates authority to the Corporate Director, Communities engaging with the Bridgend Public Services Board on the draft “Bridgend 2030” decarbonisation strategy and agree a shared narrative and methodology with the Public Services Board for the decarbonisation agenda for the Borough…