Including 4 closely related terms such as public consultation, consultation, and plan consultation.
… and resilience). Purpose: To increase funding to deliver climate emergency aims. DEVELOP 2 Carbon assessment tools - Work with WECA to deliver and apply carbon assessment tools to be used to guide WECA investment decision making and the regional spatial development strategy, the renewable energy resource assessment (RERAS), the new local plan/plan consultations and supplementary planning…
…. DEVELOP Planning -Ensure new local plan policies relate to Climate Emergency, nature recovery and biodiversity aims in response to the public consultation and new evidence emerging. This will include revised evidence for a Net Zero Carbon Policy for New Development, includes renewable energy resource assessment. Purpose: To ensure we maximise Climate Emergency outcomes of new local plan policies…
… Infrastructure; Following public consultation being undertaken 2nd October to 4th January 2021. Purpose: To provide additional explanation and description to support the council’s adopted planning policies which support the Council’s commitment to recognising the multi-functional aspects of green infrastructure. IMPLEMENT Biodiversity net gain – Continue to keep under review progression…
… opportunities. Project stages defined: Prepare – Project planning, this can include data gathering, research and consultation, business case development, Develop – Project development, this includes putting in place processes and systems, setting up governance structures, securing resources Implement – Project delivery, outputs produced, putting in place measures or carrying out actions…
… pedestrian link from East of Harry Stoke to Hambrook - Seek match funding from developer contributions to carry out revetment works to river bank for important pedestrian link which connects the East of Harry Stoke development to the Metrobus stops at Hambrook. Purpose: To increase safety and use of pedestrian link, and increase use of Metrobus. IMPLEMENT Carbon Emissions Reductions - Consult…