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Including 4 closely related terms such as consultation approach, consultation, and public consultation.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… will be brought back to Committee for further consideration and to inform both city-wide action and the Council’s approach to off-setting its own organisational emissions. 5. Next Steps 5.1 In the lead up to the consultation launch final proofing and minor edits to the strategy will be undertaken and the consultation approach will be considered by the Council’s Consultation Advisory Panel…

…, in line with the newly agreed consultation policy. 5.2 A citywide public consultation on the draft 2030 Climate Strategy will be launched in June, to run for a 12-week period. As part of this consultation, the Council will host consultation events with partners and citizens, and workshops on key strategic issues in the strategy will be held. 5.3 The strategy will be reviewed taking…

… of the final strategy from an early stage: 7.2.1 Launch of the consultation document and questions on Consultation Hub. 7.2.2 Publicity to raise awareness of the consultation 7.2.3 Notification to third sector, community and city partner groups and individuals telling them how to comment. 7.2.4 Series of public events for third sector, community, and community council partners allowing…

… opportunity to find out more about the consultation proposals, including specific engagement with seldom-heard groups 7.2.5 Series of events with key stakeholders and sectors including business, investment, developers and public bodies. 7.2.6 Supportive events through the Edinburgh Climate Commission aimed at raising awareness of the strategy and to elicit constructive feedback and responses…

… engagement and consultation approach, City of Edinburgh Council, 2021 9. Appendices Appendix I – Draft Climate Ready Net Zero Edinburgh 2030 Strategy and Executive Summary Appendix II – Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy – Commitment Document…


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